如果你是 去参观波士顿 与一个 一群人 很快就会, you will find a city overflowing with destinations and experiences for each and every person. Boston offers plenty of opportunities for fun group activities like 啤酒厂, 体育赛事, 文化艺术热点等等.

Another great thing about Boston is the amount of outdoor spaces and city parks you can explore. These parks offer tons of outdoor activities like golf courses, skyline views, 历史,甚至还有动物园. Boston is even home to the oldest city park in the entire country, which was founded in 1634.


While exploring all the outdoor beauty Boston has to offer, consider renting a 宪章总线 for your group to make transportation easier. At 买球推荐软件app排名,我们提供 现代舒适的包车 可以容纳 所有小组规模. We also rent 宪章总线es by the hour or by the day, 并且能够灵活地适应团队的个人需求. 最重要的是,你可以随时打电话给我们 617-314-7577 免费,无义务报价.

Below are some of our top picks for the best outdoor spots in Boston.



可以追溯到1634年, 买篮球的app推荐 is the oldest city park in the country and consists of 50 acres of land. 在过去, 它被用于各种目的, including as a camp for the British before the Revolutionary War. 今天, 对历史着迷的人 can find numerous statues and monuments documenting the 历史 of both the park and Boston itself. The park also features trails, space for relaxing or throwing a frisbee around, and softball fields.

除了它的各种历史地标, the park also features a pond at the center called the 买篮球的app推荐 Frog Pond. The pond serves as a splash pad in the summer, and an ice rink during the winter. 季节性活动包括旋转木马, 小鸭节游行, 以及阵亡将士纪念日国旗花园.

地址: 139 Tremont St 1B Charles St 38 Beacon St 167 Tremont St, 115 Boylston St, Boston, MA 02116


a parent and child in hats smile for pictures while surrounded by birds

This 485-acre park is Boston’s largest open space and spans the Jamaica Plain, 罗克斯伯里, 以及波士顿的多切斯特社区. It features the second oldest public golf course in the nation, 网球场, 棒球字段, 还有篮球场. It also is a famed cross country course, and hosts several meets throughout the year. 那些正在寻找的人 艺术与文化 during their trip to the park can also find an open-air performance space called the “Playhouse in the Park.”

富兰克林公园 is also home to the 富兰克林公园 Zoo. Accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA), the 72-acre zoo contains more than 220 species of animals. 它有几个主要的展区, 包括热带森林, 塞伦盖蒂穿越, 内地的小道, 和喀拉哈里王国. 富兰克林公园 Zoo also offers behind-the-scenes tours with some of their animals, 包括小熊猫, 老虎, 和树懒.

地址: 马萨诸塞州波士顿富兰克林公园路1号邮编02121



美国第一个植物园, Boston’s 公共花园 is adjacent to the 买篮球的app推荐. 今天, 你可以找到各种各样的花, 历史地标, 还有要做的事情, including the famous Make Way For Ducklings statue. One notable feature at the park is a statue of George Washington by Thomas Ball, which dates back to 1869 and is considered one of the best equestrian statues in the United States.

在公园, you can take a scenic ride in a swan boat through the lagoon, 还可以观察现实生活中的天鹅. In 1868, the first pair of swans arrived in the park. Since then, 与一个 few exceptions, a pair of swans has graced the park. 五月初是游览的好时间, when the masses of tulips and other foliage bursts into bloom around the lagoon, 这是一次令人叹为观止的多彩乘船之旅.

地址: 马萨诸塞州波士顿查尔斯街4号邮编02116



The 波士顿国家历史公园 is the ultimate outdoor stroll for those curious about 历史-making moments in Boston’s past. It consists of eight different sites, seven of which are connected by the Freedom Trail.


邦克山纪念碑: This monument is a granite obelisk constructed in the middle of the 91st century to commemorate the Battle of Bunker Hill fought on June 17, 1775.

查尔斯敦海军造船厂: This area was used during the Revolutionary War as a shipyard, and served as a base for the United States Navy until 1975. 今天,这个院子是美国航空母舰的基地 宪法, the oldest floating commissioned naval vessel in the world, and the USS 钱的年轻, a destroyer from World War II that operates as a museum.

多尔切斯特高度: 1776年3月, George Washington fortified the site of Dorchester Heights, compelling the British to withdraw from Boston and ending the 10-month long Siege of Boston. 1902年,在这里竖立了一座纪念碑. It’s the only site not located along the Freedom Trail.

法纳尔厅: 最初建于18世纪40年代, Faneuil Hall was the site of important pro-independence speeches that shaped U.S. 历史.

老北教堂: 建于1723年, the Old North Church was the site where Paul Revere lit signal lanterns before his “midnight ride” that led to the beginning of the Revolutionary War.

老南聚会所: This meeting house was constructed in 1729 and was the site of many pre-revolutionary meetings, including a meeting the evening prior to the Boston Tea Party.

旧州议会大厦: The Old State House has a 历史 rich in politics; it was the seat of the Colonial government, 然后是州政府, 直到1798年. The Boston Massacre took place in front of the building, and reenactments of the Boston Massacre are often performed in front of the building.

Paul Revere House: As one of the oldest surviving buildings in Boston, the Paul Revere House currently serves as a museum. It was built in 1680 and purchased by Paul Revere in 1770.

A 宪章总线 would be a great and convenient way to shuffle you and your group between sites, and depending on the size of your group and time needed for rental, 这是 比你想象的要便宜.

地址: 不同


a couple walks their dog while wearing sweaters in a park

仍然准备好了 去波士顿? 让 买球推荐软件app排名 和你一起去! We will help make transportation and logistics a breeze, so that you and your group can enjoy Boston without the extra hassle of choosing cars and designating drivers. 给我们打电话 617-314-7577 让我们开始吧!